A Rhythm Heaven Inspired Engine.
It is still in Heavy development, there is a lot of debug artifacts and needs a lot of clean up.
You can either try and figure out everything by reading the raw files, or you can make your life easier by downloading and installing the Godot Engine (Which can be found here: https://godotengine.org).
On the project list, press "Import" >> "Browse" and select the "project.godot" file.
Running the project is as easy as pressing F5 on your keyboard, or if you only have a mouse, the play button at the top right corner of the screen.
Space or Z are used as default inputs.
Make sure you run the latest version of the Godot Editor!
The charting documentation can be found here!
If you want to start and modify the project, it is strongly advised to learn how the engine works, along with using the Godot Official Documentation.
Here's my TO-DO List
Link to my Youtube channel
Users u/fizzd and u/jusksmit for writing amazing articles about Rhythm Game Development. Articles can respectively be found here and here.