A Promise-based Node.js client for the Apple device check API. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicecheck/accessing_and_modifying_per-device_data
npm install device-check
const deviceCheck = new DeviceCheck(ApiHost.DEVELOPMENT);
const key = readFileSync('key.p8').toString();
const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({}, key, { algorithm: 'ES256', keyid: 'AP00LNP89K', issuer: 'PJK0EZJ3I6' });
try {
const queryResult = await deviceCheck.QueryDevice(jwt, {
device_token: 'aDeviceToken',
// Optional, will be set as Date.now() if omitted
timestamp: Date.now()
// Optional, will be set as V4 UUID if omitted
transaction_id: 'aTransactionId'
} catch (err) {
const key = readFileSync('key.p8').toString();
const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({}, key, { algorithm: 'ES256', keyid: 'AP00LNP89K', issuer: 'PJK0EZJ3I6' });
try {
await deviceCheck.UpdateDevice(jwt, {
device_token: 'aDeviceToken',
// Optional, will be default to Date.now() if omitted
timestamp: Date.now()
// Optional, will be default to V4 UUID if omitted
transaction_id: 'aTransactionId'
bit0: true,
bit1: false
} catch (err) {
const key = readFileSync('key.p8').toString();
const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({}, key, { algorithm: 'ES256', keyid: 'AP00LNP89K', issuer: 'PJK0EZJ3I6' });
// Will throw if device token is invalid
try {
await deviceCheck.ValidateDevice(jwt, {
device_token: 'aDeviceToken',
// Optional, will be default to Date.now() if omitted
timestamp: Date.now()
// Optional, will be default to V4 UUID if omitted
transaction_id: 'aTransactionId'
} catch (err) {