This repository contains the code and the trained models for the prediction of logits for all positions in a protein, as demonstrated in the paper Improving Inverse Folding models at Protein Stability Prediction without additional Training or Data, NeurIPS 2024, MLSB.
Here we propose a novel estimator for the change in stability upon point mutation.
ProteinMPNN is modified to use full sequence context, and a novel tied decoding scheme is introduced to improve computational efficiency and enable saturation mutagenesis studies at scale.
Colab available for ProteinMPNN-ddG as described in the paper to prioritise stability improving mutations:
Some follow-up work to prioritise binding affinity improving mutations, by a similar method (not fully benchmarked):
git clone
cd proteinmpnn_ddg
We provide a prebuilt docker image you can use to predict the logits of each residue in a protein.
Alternatively you can build your own docker image using the Dockerfile
docker run \
--gpus '"device=0"' \
-v $(pwd)/example/:/workspace \
--workdir /workspace \ \
python3 /app/proteinmpnn_ddg/ \
--pdb_path AF-A0A7L5GP87-F1-model_v4.pdb \
--chains A \
--outpath proteinmpnn_predictions.csv \
--seed 42 \
--model_name v_48_020
Multimers are supported by providing several chains separated by commas (--chains A,B,C
). Only the first chain specified will be predicted, but it will use the context of all the other chains specified.
This model also runs in CPU-only environments, just remove the --gpus
flag and use
Relevant data and scripts to the paper are available in paper/
cd paper
The pdbs and predictions for all methods checked in the paper are available in datasets/
Averaged logit differences for the single residue predictions over the ProteinMPNN training set for both ProteinMPNN and
ESMif are available in data/
as coeff_proteinmpnn_ddg_v_48_020.csv
and coeff_esmif.csv
Runtime benchmarks on a
single NVIDIA V100 16 GB GPU machine are in data/timings_benchmark.csv
. This was produced by scripts/
Optional dependency [paper] is required to run the scripts necessary for reproducing the paper. This includes a CPU only version of ESMif and various plotting and loading utilities.
ESMif has large model weights, you need to download them from here as
and supply the path in the relevant ESMif scripts.
contains two images, you need to build the paper
target to reproduce results in the paper.
docker build . --tag proteinmpnn_ddg:paper --target paper
or use the prebuilt image:
The installed ESMif is CPU only, but is sufficient to reproduce the results quickly.
From the predictions csvs in datasets/
you can reproduce the results in Tables 3, 4 and 5, benchmarking the models on Tsuboyama, S2648 and S669:
- Table 3: Accuracy of predictions for various models and datasets
- Table 4: Ablation results for modifications of PROTEINMPNN
- Table 5: Results with all mutations involving methionine removed
. This will print out the latex code for the tables in the paper.
To reproduce the csvs in datasets
for ProteinMPNN and ESMif from the pdbs themselves you can run
python3 scripts/ \
--datasets_folder datasets/ \
--datasets tsuboyama s2648 s669
python3 scripts/ \
--datasets_folder datasets/ \
--datasets tsuboyama s2648 s669 \
This includes Figures 2 and 3, Table 1, the ESMif correction for methionine coefficient of 4.18 and all correlations relating to
- Download and extract the training set of ProteinMPNN from here to get the folder
. It's about 17GB tar file, extracted to 72GB. - Run
python3 scripts/ --data_path pdb_2021aug02/ --outpath data/coeff_proteinmpnn_ddg_v_48_020.csv
which will run all the ProteinMPNN related predictions, print the metrics for Table 1: Improved sequence recovery metrics from tailored usage of PROTEINMPNN to stdout, and the spearman correlation between ProteinMPNN single residue context predictions and the background amino acid frequencies which we mention in the main paper text. It will also producetraining_single_structure_per_cluster_23349_structures_5615050_residues.npz
which is a compressed numpy file with all the single residue backbones used to compute metrics on. This also producesdata/coeff_proteinmpnn_ddg_v_48_020.csv
which contains$\delta_{X\rightarrow Y}^{ProteinMPNN}$ . - Run
python3 scripts/ \
--structure_data_path training_single_structure_per_cluster_23349_structures_5615050_residues.npz \
--esmif_model_path \
--outpath data/coeff_esmif_raw.csv
This produces data/coeff_esmif_raw.csv
which contains
4. Run python3 scripts/ --data_folder data/
, to compute the methonine coefficient, (4.18 in the paper) and the various
5. Run python3 scripts/ --structure_data_path training_single_structure_per_cluster_23349_structures_5615050_residues.npz
to produce the Figure 3, the N-CA-C opening angles of the 20 amino acids over the subset of the ProteinMPNN training dataset
The plots in figure 2:
a. data/delta_X_Y.pdf
b. Deviation from antisymmetry of data/asymmetry_heatmap.pdf
can be reproduced from the python3 scripts/ --coeff_path data/coeff_proteinmpnn_ddg_v_48_020.csv --outfolder data/
Saturation mutagenesis predictions were made for all 23,391 AlphaFold2 predicted structures of the human proteome (UP000005640_9606_HUMAN) in 30 minutes on a single V100 16GB GPU
This was computed by downloading the human proteome from here. Predictions were made using scripts/
on an AWS p3.2xlarge instance which has a single V100 16GB GPU.
We found using usual PDB parsers were slower than ProteinMPNN-ddG so use a custom parser specialised to strict PDB format, where each line is 80 characters long (using whitespace to pad if neccessary) and numpy operations are used. Predictions were for AFDB PDBs which fufilled this criteria so no pre-processing was required. Inputs were padded to minimise recompilation.
The throughput of 9,800 residues per second was calculated from the printed stdout from the script: 'Total time: 1516 seconds, approx 102us per position', this included compilation and file loading time. Through further checks, not in the script, we find we compile to 40 shapes, taking ~197 seconds, (~13% of the total time) and loading of the PDB files accounts for ~86 seconds (~5% of the total time). 14,850,403 residues are predicted in that 25 minute period.
Predictions were made using the PDB files downloaded and extracted using the following commands:
apt-get update && apt-get install -y aria2
aria2c -x 16
tar -xf UP000005640_9606_HUMAN_v4.tar --wildcards --no-anchored '*.pdb.gz'
gunzip *.pdb.gz
The slowdown shown in Figure 1, timings_benchmark.pdf
, and data underlying it, timings_benchmark.csv
, can be reproduced via
python3 scripts/ --outfolder data/
if you hit OOM on your GPU you may reduce --n 4096
to a lower power of two.
If you use this work in your research, please cite the the relevant paper:
title = {Improving Inverse Folding models at Protein Stability Prediction without additional Training or Data},
author = {Dutton, Oliver and Bottaro, Sandro and Invernizzi, Michele and Redl, Istvan and Chung, Albert and Fisicaro, Carlo and Airoldi, Fabio and Ruschetta, Stefano and Henderson, Louie and Owens, Benjamin MJ and Foerch, Patrik and Tamiola, Kamil},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Structural Biology},
year = {2024},
note = {Workshop Paper},
url = {}
Thanks to the ColabDesign team for the JAX implementation of ProteinMPNN we use
Sergey Ovchinnikov
Shihao Feng
Justas Dauparas
Weikun.Wu (from
Christopher Frank
Thanks to the entire ESM team for ESMif.
This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE
file in the root directory of this source tree.