Perfect - MariaDB Connector 简体中文
This project provides a Swift wrapper around the MariaDB client library, enabling access to MariaDB database servers.
This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not require PerfectLib or any other components.
Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift tool chain.
brew install mariadb-connector-c
Tests performed on Ubuntu 18.04. Prior to building this library, please ensure you install the required MariaDB library:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libmariadb-dev
On older distros (like 16.04), you may need to install libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev instead of libmariadb-dev. On older versions, you will also need to create a pkg-config file. In such cases, create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libmariadb.pc and make it look something like this:
Name: libmariadb
Description: MariaDB Connector/C
Version: 5.5.0
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Libs: -L${libdir} -lmariadb
Libs.private: -ldl -lm -lpthread
To test if pkg-config is working, try running the command:
pkg-config libmariadb --cflags --libs
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
.package(url:"", from: "3.0.0")
dependencies: ["MariaDB"]),
Import required libraries:
import MariaDB
import PerfectCRUD
Perfect-MariaDB supports the Perfect-CRUD protocol. Please check Perfect-CRUD for more information.
For more information on the Perfect project, please visit