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Periculum (Android)

Periculum library is a powerful & easy to use credit score library for Android. The library gives you credit score information for your customer. No stress :)


MIT License


  • Minimum Android SDK: Periculum requires a minimum API level of 23.
  • Compile Android SDK: Periculum requires you to compile against API 31 or later.


To get a Periculum library into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories

allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Periculum-io:Periculum:2.0.1'

API Reference

Permission Required

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Error Types

These are the error types that can be used in the onError callback to handle error cases.

Parameter Error Description
InternetConnectionError There is no access to the internet.
SmsPermissionError Permission to read SMS messages from the device has been denied.
UnknownError Error Occurred.
NetworkRequest While submitting the request, a network error occurred.
InvalidToken Invalid access token
InvalidData An invalid parameter has been passed.
enum class ErrorType {

Callback Types

These are the callback for every request made

action method Callback Description
Get Mobile Analysis analyticsV1 PericulumCallback Returns an Array of MobileAnalysis Object
Get Mobile Insight V2 analyticsV2 MobileInsightCallback Returns an OverviewKey object that contains analysis key

How do I use Periculum?

See source code for full implementation.

Simple use cases will look something like this:

Anaalytics Parameters

Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber String Optional. customer phone number
bvn String Optional. customer bvn
publicKey String Required. Public Key attached to client account
periculumCallback PericulumCallback Required. Callback function returns response
    phoneNumber = "+2348089182606", // customer phone number 
    bvn = "0000000111", // customer bvn 
    publicKey = "" // publicKey attached client account 
    object : PericulumCallback {
        override fun onSuccess(response: String) {
            Log.i("TAG", response)

        override fun onError(
            message: String,
            errorType: ErrorType
        ) {
            Log.e("TAG", "Error message ---> $message")
            when (errorType) { // handle response error
                ErrorType.SmsPermissionError -> {
                    Log.e("TAG", "SmsPermissionError")
    phoneNumber = "+2348089182606", // customer phone number (Optional)
    bvn = "0000000111", // customer bvn (Optional)
    publicKey = "" // publicKey attached client account 
    object : MobileInsightCallback {
      override fun onSuccess(response: OverviewKey) {
      text.value = "Success --->\t\t ${response.mobileInsightsOverviewKey}"

        override fun onError(
            message: String,
            errorType: ErrorType
        ) {
            Log.e("TAG", "Error message ---> $message")
            when (errorType) { // handle response error
                ErrorType.SmsPermissionError -> {
                    Log.e("TAG", "SmsPermissionError")

Update existing mobile analysis

Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber String customer phone number
bvn String . customer bvn
publicKey String Required. Public Key attached to client account
overviewKey String Required.
periculumCallback PericulumCallback Required. Callback function returns response
   phoneNumber = "",
   bvn = "",
   publicKey = "",
   overviewKey = "", // overview key of the user
    periculumCallback = object : MobileInsightCallback {
       override fun onSuccess(response: OverviewKey) {
          text.value = "Success --->\t\t ${response.mobileInsightsOverviewKey}"

        override fun onError(
        	message: String,
                errorType: ErrorType
        ) {
            Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
            when (errorType) { // handle response error
                ErrorType.InternetConnectionError -> {
                    	Log.e(TAG, "InternetConnectionError")
                ErrorType.NetworkRequest -> {
                	Log.e(TAG, "NetworkRequest")
                ErrorType.InvalidToken -> {
                	Log.e(TAG, "InvalidToken")
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            SmsExtractTheme {
                Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {

                        onClick = {
                                statementKey = "932", // Pass a valid statement key
                                accessToken = "", // token generated from periculum api
                                object : GenerateCreditScoreCallback { //Callback response returns a CreditScore Model
                                    override fun onSuccess(response: CreditScore) {
                                        Log.i(TAG, response)

                                    override fun onError(
                                        message: String,
                                        errorType: ErrorType
                                    ) {
                                        Log.i(TAG, "Error type ---> $errorType") // Error Type
                                        Log.i(TAG, "Error message ---> $message") // Error message

                                        when (errorType) { // handle response error
                                            ErrorType.InternetConnectionError -> {
                                                Log.e(TAG, "InternetConnectionError")
                                            ErrorType.NetworkRequest -> {
                                                Log.e(TAG, "NetworkRequest")
                                            ErrorType.InvalidToken -> {
                                                Log.e(TAG, "InvalidToken")
                    ) {
                        Text(text = "Generate Credit Score")

Required Permission

The permissions that must be granted in order for this library to function are listed below.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>


For this plugin to work, you must have a Periculum account and you'll also need to use your Client Id and secret key to generate a token from the Periculum API see docs here.

SDK User Flow

   |                User Flow Diagram                    |
   |                                                     |
   v                                                     |
   [1]    Merchant Application requests permission      |
   |      from client device                             |
   |                                                     |
   |                                                     |
   v                                                     |
   [2]    Merchant Application calls backend server to   |
   |      generate access token from the info obtained   |
   |      in step 1                                      |
   |                                                     |
   |                                                     |
   v                                                     |
   [3]    Data is pulled from customer device, and the   |
   |      Merchant Application calls SDK method to       |
   |      process it                                     |
   |                                                     |
   |                                                     |
   v                                                     |
   [4]    SDK calls Insights API to generate mobile     |
   |      insights from the extracted data              |
   |                                                     |
   |                                                     |
   v                                                     |
   [End]  End of the user flow                            |
   |                                                     |

flow Diagram

SDK flow


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.