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Repository files navigation


Node.js SDK for

Built on bitjson/typescript-starter

Unit tests


The client needs to be configured with client credentials. Please contact for access.

// ES import
import { PermanentOAuthClient } from '@permanentorg/node-sdk';

// CommonJS
const Permanent = require('@permanentorg/node-sdk').PermanentOAuthClient;

// Configure with credentials
const client = new PermanentOAuthClient(
  baseUrl, // optional, defaults to prod environment URL
  authHost, // optional, defaults to prod environment URL

// start OAuth flow, eg in response to user clicking login button
// using express in this example
router.get('/permanent/auth', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
    '', // scope; may be an empty string or 'offline_access'

// complete OAuth flow in response to the IdP redirecting the user back
// using express in this example
router.get('/permanent/callback', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const { code, state } = req.query;
  const token = await client.completeAuthorization(
    code as string,
    '', // scope; must match scope specified in `authorizeUrl`
    state as string,
  save(token); // application-specific

// load a previously-serialized token into a working object
const token = client.loadToken(tokenStr);

// use the token to create the Permanent instance

// initialize client and session
await permanent.init();

// Ready to use!
const isSessionValid = await permanent.auth.isSessionValid();


To start working, run the watch:build task using npm or yarn.

npm run watch:build

In another terminal tab/window, run the watch:test task:

npm run watch:test


To run all tests (unit tests, formatting, linting), run the test task:

npm run test


Uploading a file

Currently, only uploading files from a public-accessible URL is supported. A file is referred to as a record in the API, as file has a specific meaning internally that may cause conflict or confusion. In the UI, the term "files" is used for simplicity.

To upload a file to the current archive, use record.uploadFromUrl. uploadUri is the public URL used to retrieve the file, while uploadFileName must be specified with the proper extension to ensure correct file processing. displayName is the name that will be shown for the file in the UI.

To upload to a specific folder, use the optional second parameter to provide an existing folder, otherwise the file will be uploaded to the root "My Files" folder of the given archive.

const folder // existing folder
const newRecord = await permanent.record.uploadFromUrl(
    uploadUri: '',
    displayName: 'My Gremlin Picture',
    uploadFileName: 'gremlin.jpg'
  folder // optional, specify to upload somewhere besides My Files folder

Creating a folder

To create a folder, just provide the name of the folder to folder.create. Similarly to record.uploadFromUrl, if a specific parent folder is required, provide one. Otherwise, the folder will be created in the root "My Files" folder.

const existingFolder;
const newFolder = await permanent.folder.create(
  'Folder To Share',
  existingFolder // optional, specify to create somewhere besides My Files folder

Generating share links

To create a public share link that can be used to request sharing access to an item, use either share.createRecordShareLink or share.createFolderShareLink to share either a single record or a single folder, respectively.

The share link defaults to allowing preview of items without having access, and auto-approving access for anyone who requests it, but these options can be specified using optional parameters.

// Upload and share a single record with default settings

const record = await permanent.record.uploadFromUrl({
  /* record data */
const recordShareUrl = await permanent.share.createRecordShareLink(record);

// Create and share a folder with preview and auto-approve disabled

const folder = await permanent.folder.create('Shared Photos');
await permanent.record.uploadFromUrl(
    /* record data */
const folderShareUrl = await permanent.share.createFolderShareLink(

There's also an optional parameter available when creating share links that allows setting the default access level given to archives granted access to the share. An AccessRole enum has been exported with all access role values.

import { Permanent, AccessRole } from '@permanentorg/node-sdk';

const folderShareUrl = await permanent.share.createFolderShareLink(

Copying items

You can copy items to a specific folder using the item.copy method which works on both folders and records. There are also separate type-specific methods, folder.copy and record.copy.

const privateRoot = await permanent.folder.getMyFilesFolder();
const publicRoot = await permanent.folder.getPublicFolder();
const firstChild = privateRoot.ChildItemVOs.shift();

// Copies the first item in "My Files" to the Public Workspace
await permanent.item.copy(firstChild, publicRoot);

Copying to the Public Root (accessible by using folder.getPublicFolder) is functionally equivalent to publishing a file in the Permanent web app.


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