This is an Android app I'm developing during the classes I'm teaching in Afeka Academic College of Engineering, TLV.
It demonstrates different usages in Android development, such as:
- Intent + Activity (intent's extra, other apps' activities, phone call etc.)
- List view (using RecyclerView)
- Threads (with UI changes)
- Storage [Shared Preferences, SQLite, Firebase, custom Content Provider]
- Backendless, similar to Parse cloud service (for an online-shared-preferences) + example for A/B Testing usage
- Animations (View animations, Property animations)
- Drag n' Drop
- Bound service
- Broadcast Receiver
- Fragment
- Sensors usage + Mock Sensor
- Local scheduled notifications
- Embedded GoogleMap in a FrameLayout object + Markers
- Google APIs usage - Geolocation in JavaScript (get LatLong from an address)