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Go Playing Robot

"Go Bot"
I used a ReactorX200 arm to play go. This project has a few components. I first programmed the robot using MoveIt to pick and place go pieces in Gazebo. I then implemented a simple agent to play go. Finally, I created a simple web interface to allow people to play go against the robot remotely.

Running the Robot in Gazebo

To run the robot in Gazebo with MoveIt, run
roslaunch interbotix_moveit interbotix_moveit.launch robot_name:=rx200 use_gazebo:=true
To start the node which manages the physical robot run. This will allow us to do pwm control of the gripper
roslaunch interbotix_sdk arm_run.launch robot_name:=rx200 gripper_operating_mode="pwm"
For more information on what the arm_run.launch file does, read the interbotix_sdk/ file

Results So Far

I have implemented the major ROS services for doing the picking and placing of the go pieces. Below is a gif of the GoBot picking and placing pieces in Gazebo
"Pick and Place Demo"

Here is a link to a video of the robot playing a human via the React frontend. Playing the Robot From the Browser

To Play a Game

roslaunch interbotix_moveit interbotix_moveit.launch robot_name:=rx200 use_gazebo:=true
roslaunch go_motion_planning launch.launch
rosrun go_motion_planning
rosrun go_bot_server

ROS Packages in This Repo

go_engine - Provide a library for playing Go and agents to play against go_motion_planning - Provides services for picking and placing go pieces using MoveIt
go_bot_server - Web interface and server for to allow remote play with the robot
interbotix_ros_arms - Lower level ROS nodes for ReactorX series

Fast API

I used the Fast API to create endpoints for people to play against the robot online. To start the server run
cd src/go_bot_server/src/server && uvicorn main:app --reload
Go here to see what each endpoint does.

Doxygen Documentation

The Doxygen documentation is available at file:///home/peterjochem/Desktop/Go_Bot/catkin_ws/src/docs/html/index.html

Unit Testing

I used pytest and gtest to create unit tests. To run the unit test, run catkin_make test

Docker Instructions

I had some trouble getting all the packages at the correct versions to compile so I made a Docker container. Here are the instructions on how to connect to the Docker container and also, if need be, create a new container Put it all in a bash script? A really good description on how to use Docker with ROS can be found here

Connect to the Running Container

  1. sudo docker ps to see if the container is running

  2. sudo docker exec -it robot_env bash

Setting up the Docker Container

  1. sudo xhost +

  2. export DISPLAY=:0.0
    The first two help setup some sort of graphics dependecy within the Docker container. RVIZ won't be able to run without this

  3. sudo docker pull osrf/ros:melodic-desktop-full
    The standard Docker Hub ROS images are the non-Desktop ones. These will not install neccsery graphics packages in order to run RVIZ

  4. sudo docker run -it --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --privileged --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -dt --name robot_env --privileged -v /dev/ttyDXL/:/dev/ttyDXL --restart unless-stopped -v `pwd`:/root/workspace osrf/ros:melodic-desktop-full

  5. sudo docker exec -it robot_env bash

  6. source

  7. sudo apt-get update
    Without this, rosdep won’t find any packages with the given names to install in the Docker container

  8. mkdir /etc/udev

  9. sudo apt install udev

  10. rosdep update

  11. rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

  12. sudo apt install python-pip

  13. sudo pip install modern_robotics

  14. sudo cp catkin_ws/src/interbotix_ros_arms/interbotix_sdk/10-interbotix-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

  15. sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

  16. sudo apt install vim

  17. vim usr/share/ignition/fuel_tools/config.yaml Change the url in the config.yaml file to

Restarting the Container on Reboot

  1. sudo docker start robot_env

Recording the Robot's Movements For the Browser/GIFs

git clone
Remember to catkin_make
roslaunch go_bot_server record_robot.launch```` <br /> Now we have a node running which offers services to start and stop recording the robot. <br /> /robot_recorder/start<br />/robot_recorder/save```
The launch file go_bot_server/launch/record_robot.launch determines where the json file of joint states is written.