This library has been merged into monolith and will not be updated further here.
This is an experimental modelling library for integer (and linear) programming. Example programs look like this:
int main()
IP ip;
auto x = ip.add_vector(5, IP::Binary);
ip.add_objective( -2*x[0] - 5*x[1] - x[2] - 3*x[3] - x[4] );
ip.add_constraint( x[0] + x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4] <= 3 );
for (auto xi : x) {
cout << xi << endl;
int main()
IP ip;
auto x = ip.add_boolean();
auto y = ip.add_boolean();
auto z = ip.add_boolean();
auto w = ip.add_boolean();
auto u = ip.add_boolean();
ip.add_constraint( ( x || y || z) &&
( z || w || u) &&
(!x || !y || !w) &&
(!x || !y || !u) &&
(!x || z) );
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << " "
<< w << " " << u << endl;
- Cbc, see
- C++11
To install Cbc and its dependencies on Ubuntu, issue the following command:
sudo apt-get install coinor-libcbc-dev coinor-libclp-dev coinor-libosi-dev coinor-libcgl-dev
CMake should then find and build everything.