Framework for custom elements and types in Typst. Supports Typst 0.11.0 or later.
WARNING: elembic is currently experimental. Expect breaking changes before 0.1.0 is released and it is published to the package manager.
Read the book:
Mirrors: GitHub (pgbiel/elembic); Codeberg (pgbiel/elembic)
Elembic lets you create custom elements, which are reusable document components, with support for typechecked fields, show and set rules (without using any state
by default), revoke and reset rules, reference and outline support, and more. In addition, Elembic lets you create custom types, which also support typechecked fields but also custom casting, and can be used in element fields or by themselves in arbitrary Typst code.
Elembic's name comes from "element" + "alembic", to indicate that one of Elembic's goals is to experiment with different approaches for this functionality, and to help shape a future update to Typst that includes native custom elements, which will eventually remove the need for using this package.
It has a few limitations which are appropriately noted in the book.
You should copy the repository's contents either to your project or as a local package.
Instructions for using local packages can be found at, and involve
moving the directory with elembic's code to $LOCAL_PACKAGES_DIR/elembic/0.0.1
depends on your operating system, as explained in the link.
If you're on Linux, you can run the following one-liner command on your terminal to download the latest development version:
pkgbase="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/typst/packages/local/elembic" && mkdir -p "$pkgbase/0.0.1" && curl -L | tar xz --strip-components=1 --directory="$pkgbase/0.0.1"
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e: field, types
#let bigbox = e.element.declare(
prefix: "@preview/my-package,v1",
display: it => block(fill: it.fill, stroke: it.stroke, inset: 5pt, it.body),
fields: (
field("body", types.option(content), doc: "Box contents", required: true),
field("fill", types.option(types.paint), doc: "Box fill"),
field("stroke", types.option(stroke), doc: "Box border", default: red)
#show: e.set_(bigbox, fill: red)
#bigbox(stroke: blue + 2pt)[def]
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e: field, types
#let person = e.types.declare(
prefix: "@preview/my-package,v1",
fields: (
field("name", str, doc: "Person's name", required: true),
field("age", int, doc: "Person's age", default: 40),
field("preference", types.any, doc: "Anything the person likes", default: none)
casts: (
(from: str, with: person => name => person(name)),
e.repr(person("John", age: 50, preference: "soup")),
"person(age: 50, name: \"John\", preference: \"soup\")"
// Manually invoke typechecking and cast
types.cast("abc", person),
(true, person("abc"))
// Can then use 'person' as the type of an element's field, for example
: Contains public re-exports of each module (so we can keep some things private)data
: Functions and constants related to extracting data from elements and typeselement
: Functions related to creating and using elements and their rules (set rules, revoke rules and so on)types
: Functions and constants related to Elembic's custom type systemfields
: Functions related to element and type field parsing
Licensed under MIT or Apache-2.0, at your option.