The newest Red-Dashboard (AAA3A fork) in a convenient multi-arch container
Follow the install instructions from the official documentation, but start from the Installing Companion Cog step. Once you have made it to the "Running the Webserver" step, just run this container instead and link it to your Red-DiscordBot container:
docker run -v /local/folder/for/persistence:/data --network=container:red-discordbot phasecorex/red-dashboard
You will have to change the red-discordbot
portion of the --network
argument to be whatever the name is of your Red-DiscordBot container. Also make sure you're running Red-DiscordBot with the --rpc
flag enabled.
Here's an example docker-compose.yml with both Red-DiscordBot and Red-Dashboard:
image: phasecorex/red-discordbot:extra-audio
container_name: red-discordbot
restart: always
- /local/folder/for/persistence/red-discordbot:/data
- TZ=America/Detroit
- PUID=1000
- EXTRA_ARGS=--rpc
image: phasecorex/red-dashboard:latest
container_name: red-dashboard
restart: always
network_mode: "service:red-discordbot"
- red-discordbot
- /local/folder/for/persistence/red-dashboard:/data
- TZ=America/Detroit
- PUID=1000
Notice that the Red-DiscordBot container has an added EXTRA_ARGS=--rpc
environment variable, and the dashboard container has network_mode: "service:red-discordbot"
Since the dashboard is using the network mode of the Red-DiscordBot container, the dashboard will be accessible from http://<red-discordbot-container-name>:42356
. Your reverse proxy will have to point at that URL to work, NOT the dashboard container! An example for Caddy in a container in the same network as the Red-DiscordBot container would be: {
reverse_proxy <red-discordbot-container-name>:42356
I don't really support it, but I think you would have to run the dashboard container in host networking mode? Not sure. Good luck!