TFTP Firmware Update Tool with support of special SRecord (*.s19) flash files.
Integrated auto-update via GitHub releases.
Enter - Start transfer
ESC - Stop transfer
[Path | "auto"]
[IP | "last"]
[Port | "last"]
[Afterwards action "close"]
File path to file which should
be flashed
Target path
(e.g. "cpu/application").
Set to "auto" if auto-path option
should be used.
Target IPv4 address.
Set to "last" if last saved IP
should be used.
Target port (e.g. 69)
Set to "last" if last saved port
should be used.
Action which should be performed
after transfer.
This action is performed even
if transfer failed.
"notclose" = Application will not be closed.
"close" = Application will be closed
without delay.
Default behavior will close application
after a few seconds.
FlexTFTP "myFile.s19"
FlexTFTP "myFile.s19" auto last last close
FlexTFTP "myFile.s19" cpu/preloader
FlexTFTP "myFile.s19" auto 69 close
Create 'alias.flextftp' file within flash file folder and add path alias as text.