Configure Sumo Logic Monitors using Terraform modules.
This module configures/creates monitors as per configurations.
This repository also contains predefined alerts for various technologies. Scroll to the bottom of this readme to find out more details.
Create a
file and add the requirements in the following format:terraform { required_version = ">= 0.13" required_providers { sumologic = { version = "~> 2.6.2" source = "SumoLogic/sumologic" } } }
provider "sumologic" {
access_id = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS ID>"
access_key = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS KEY>"
environment = "<SUMOLOGIC DEPLOYMENT>"
You can also define these values in terraform.tfvars
Sumo Logic monitors can be configured in a folder.
Configure the monitor folder resource as below:
resource "sumologic_monitor_folder" "tf_monitor_folder_1" {
name = "Terraform Managed Folder"
description = "A folder for Monitors"
In the module declaration, pass the folder id as
module "sumologic-logs-monitor" {
source = "SumoLogic/sumo-logic-monitor/sumologic"
version = "{revision}"
monitor_name = "Logs Monitor"
monitor_description = "Sample Logs Monitor"
monitor_monitor_type = "Logs"
monitor_parent_id =
# Queries - Only one query is allowed for Logs monitor
queries = {
A = "<Logs Query>"
# Triggers
triggers = [
threshold_type = "GreaterThanOrEqual",
threshold = 0,
time_range = "5m",
occurrence_type = "ResultCount", # Options: ResultCount and MissingData for logs
trigger_source = "AllResults", # Options: AllResults for logs.
trigger_type = "Critical",
detection_method = "StaticCondition"
threshold_type = "LessThan",
threshold = 0,
time_range = "5m",
occurrence_type = "ResultCount", # Options: ResultCount and MissingData for logs
trigger_source = "AllResults", # Options: AllResults for logs.
trigger_type = "ResolvedCritical",
detection_method = "StaticCondition"
# Notifications
group_notifications = true
connection_notifications = [
connection_type = "PagerDuty",
connection_id = "<CONNECTION_ID>",
payload_override = "{\"service_key\": \"your_pagerduty_api_integration_key\",\"event_type\": \"trigger\",\"description\": \"Alert: Triggered {{TriggerType}} for Monitor {{Name}}\",\"client\": \"Sumo Logic\",\"client_url\": \"{{QueryUrl}}\"}",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]
connection_type = "Webhook",
connection_id = "<CONNECTION_ID>",
payload_override = "",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]
email_notifications = [
connection_type = "Email",
recipients = [""],
subject = "Monitor Alert: {{TriggerType}} on {{Name}}",
time_zone = "PST",
message_body = "Triggered {{TriggerType}} Alert on {{Name}}: {{QueryURL}}",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]
module "sumologic-metrics-monitor" {
source = "SumoLogic/sumo-logic-monitor/sumologic"
version = "{revision}"
monitor_name = "Metrics Monitor"
monitor_description = "Sample Metrics Monitor"
monitor_monitor_type = "Metrics"
monitor_parent_id =
# Queries - Multiple queries allowed for Metrics monitor
queries = {
A = "<Metric_query1>",
B = "<Metric_query2>",
C = "<Metric_query3>"
# Triggers
triggers = [
threshold_type = "GreaterThanOrEqual",
threshold = 0,
time_range = "5m",
occurrence_type = "Always" # Options: Always, AtLeastOnce and MissingData for Metrics
trigger_source = "AnyTimeSeries" # Options: AllTimeSeries and AnyTimeSeries for Metrics. 'AnyTimeSeries' is the only valid triggerSource for 'Critical' trigger
trigger_type = "Critical",
detection_method = "StaticCondition"
threshold_type = "LessThan",
threshold = 0,
time_range = "5m",
occurrence_type = "Always" # Options: Always, AtLeastOnce and MissingData for Metrics
trigger_source = "AnyTimeSeries" # Options: AllTimeSeries and AnyTimeSeries for Metrics.'AnyTimeSeries' is the only valid triggerSource for 'Critical' trigger
trigger_type = "ResolvedCritical",
detection_method = "StaticCondition"
# Notifications
group_notifications = true
connection_notifications = [
connection_type = "PagerDuty",
connection_id = "<CONNECTION_ID>",
payload_override = "{\"service_key\": \"your_pagerduty_api_integration_key\",\"event_type\": \"trigger\",\"description\": \"Alert: Triggered {{TriggerType}} for Monitor {{Name}}\",\"client\": \"Sumo Logic\",\"client_url\": \"{{QueryUrl}}\"}",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]
connection_type = "Webhook",
connection_id = "<CONNECTION_ID>",
payload_override = "",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]
email_notifications = [
connection_type = "Email",
recipients = [""],
subject = "Monitor Alert: {{TriggerType}} on {{Name}}",
time_zone = "PST",
message_body = "Triggered {{TriggerType}} Alert on {{Name}}: {{QueryURL}}",
run_for_trigger_types = ["Critical", "ResolvedCritical"]