A Simple Dungeons & Dragons Spellbook app using the 5th edition D&D API. Search for, and add spells to your personal spellbook.
- Create a full-stack, beginner level app to practice MVC architecture, user authorization, and API integration.
- Beginner & Intermediate programmers with a little more experience, to help understand the various aspects of building a node app with some complex features.
bcrypt, connect-mongo, dotenv, ejs, express, express-flash, express-session, mongodb, mongoose, morgan, nodemon, node-fetch, passport, passport-local, validator
npm install
be sure to add your own DB_STRING in the .env file.
CSS and tidying up of Signup Page
CSS and tidying up of Login Page
CSS for new Custom Spells
- dropdown box for spell school selection
CSS for Edit modal
Some kind of create spell validation that alerts the user if spell doesn't exist (maybe ask if they'd like to add it as new custom spell?)
add "partials" for consistent header and footer across pages
D&D themed background/logos
Discuss ?'s with group