A responsive web app that list a directory of chicago employees given by an API.
- The first screen is the list of all employees with only their first name, last name and title.
- It is possible to filter the list based on the employees' departments (Police, General Services, etc.).
- The keyboard can be used: Down to focus on the next row, Up to focus on the previous row, and Enter to navigate to the next screen with the currently focused employee's details.
- Clicking on an employee's name or hitting Enter while focused on an employee will trigger the second screen, which displays all the information about this employee: id, first name, last name, title, salary, department.
- The keyboard can be used here too. Down changes the employee information displayed to that of the "next" employee. The Up key is the previous employee. And the Enter key takes you back to the table view with the current employee focused.
- Lastly, the third screen provides a form to add a new employee to the database.
docker build -t chicago-employees .
or, use multi-stage builds to build a smaller docker image
docker build -t chicago-employees -f ./Dockerfile.multistage .
- NodeJS 8 and above
- Yarn or NPM
Clone repository and run:
npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Go to http://localhost:3000