It's Lite documentation gen for arkscript (.ark) based on Mkdocs, and write in ruby. You probably think : you created a programming language and you don't use it, but for to answer you : yes, we will probably use ArkScript in a next one update.
Python >= 2.7
Ruby >= 2.5
# Clone repository
~$ git clone
# It's in this folder the doc site will build
~/ArkDoc$ mkdir docs
# Put your arkscripts in this folder
~/ArkDoc$ mkdir ark
# Install Mkdocs
~$ pip install mkdocs
# Build site in docs/[SITE_NAME]/site
~/ArkDoc$ ruby start.rb gen [SITE_NAME]
: For function brief begin
: For function parameter
` code example ` : code example
: Page title
: Escape character (place this char before you special char to avoid md conversion )
#\fibo Calcul fibonacci sequence with n
#@n a number
# {
# (let fibo (fun (n)
# (if (< n 2)
# n
# (+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2))))))
# (print (fibo 28)) # display 317811
# }
(let fibo (fun (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2))))))