Methods we used:
- Advantage Actor Critic (A2C)
- A2C + LSTM
- Model Based Search (MBS)
NetHack Wiki: (Useful info.)
NLE Paper:
Nethack example Agent:
Human male neutral monk
NETHACKOPTIONS = [ "color", "showexp", "autopickup", "pickup_types:$?!/", "pickup_burden:unencumbered", "nobones", "nolegacy", "nocmdassist", "disclose:+i +a +v +g +c +o", "runmode:teleport", "mention_walls", "nosparkle", "showexp", "showscore", ]
This means we don't have to pickup items.
The action space might be extended to included all 90'something actions, By default, the action space includes the following that might be stepped in gym:
- [0] : More (Not doing anything)
- [1] : North 1 step
- [2] : East 1 step
- [3] : South 1 step
- [4] : West 1 step
- [5] : North-East 1 step
- [6] : Sout-East 1 step
- [7] : South-West 1 step
- [8] : North-West 1 step
- [9] : North max
- [10] : East max
- [11] : South max
- [12] : West max
- [13] : North-East max
- [14] : Sout-East max
- [15] : South-West max
- [16] : North-West max
- [17] : Go up a staircase
- [18] : Go down a starcase
- [19] : Wait / Do nothing
- [20] : Kick
- [21] : Eat
- [22] : Search
To reduce the action space, I'm removing the actions that auto move (0, and 9 - 16)
If we work with the same setup as the example agent we have the following:
observation_space['glyphs'] = Box(0, 5976, (21, 79), int16), which may represent a symbol with int val between 0 and 5976 in the shape (height=21, width=79)
observation_space['blstats'] = Box(-something, +something, (25, ), int16), which are 25 stats in an array:
- [0] : X_Coordinate
- [1] : Y_Coordinate
- [2] : Strength Percentage
- [3] : Strength (Strength corresponds to the ability to have more weight in your inventory.)
- [4] : Dexterity (has a multitude of effects, of which the most significant is probably that it affects your chance of hitting monsters, whether in melee combat or with a missile or spell)
- [5] : Constitution (Having a high constitution increases your healing rate and the number of HP you gain when levelling up and allows you to carry more weight in your inventory.)
- [6] : Intelligence (If you are a Healer, Knight, Monk, Priest or Valkyrie, in which case it is wisdom that affects your chances of successfully casting a spe
- [7] : Wisdom (A Healer, Knight, Monk, Priest or Valkyrie requires wisdom to cast spells)
- [8] : Charisma (Charisma is mostly useful for obtaining better prices at shops. )
- [9] : Score
- [10] : Current Health Points
- [11] : Maximum Health Points
- [12] : Dungeon depth
- [13] : Available gold
- [14] : Current energy
- [15] : Max energy
- [16] : Armor class
- [17] : Monster level
- [18] : Experience level
- [19] : Experience points
- [20] : Time
- [21] : Hunger level (Too little and you starve; too much and you choke.)
- [22] : Carying capacity
- [23] : NLE stat
- [24] : NLE stat