Simple script to download and merge manga images into a single pdf file.
Uses Ruby and Selenium.
Works with manga from Manganato. Eg:
- Ruby 2.7
- make
- ImageMagick and libmagickwand-dev
- firefox-geckodriver
- The gems in the Gemfile
You may get a "security policy" ImageMagick error. In this case add to etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
the following line just before </policymap>
<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />
Launch the script like this:
ruby manga2pdf.rb -u <url> [-d] [-l 10] -o name
- -u is for the url
- -d is to create individual directories for each volume.
- -l is to limit the number of chapters downloaded. The number after -l is the number of chapters to download.
- -o provides the output filename. By default is "manga.pdf"
Just run
ruby manga2pdf-gui.rb
And follow the GUI.