- tagged_union: like boost::variant but accessed by tag - tag can be enum value,
enum discriminator { name, number, dimensions }; exp::tagged_union<discriminator> ::with<name>::as<std::string> ::with<number>::as<int> ::with<dimensions>::as<std::vector<int>>::type a, b;
- unrestricted_union: implementation of C++11 unrestricted union - like std::tuple to simple struct
exp::unrestricted_union<std::string,int,std::vector<int>> a, b;
- indexed_union: like boost::variant but based on C++11 unrestricted union
exp::indexed_union<std::string,int,std::vector<int>> a, b;
- tagged_tuple
- tagged_array
- optional - based on tagged_union tagged with bool:true and bool:false