This wordpress theme is intended to be use as a child theme in an elementor based setup. You may use hola, as a parent. It contains mixins, animations, shortcodes, templates and quality generalized code that I add everytime a project forces me to develop new solutions. It's main focus is performance and order.
- Use functions and mixins and write new ones following the pre existant syntax
- Use our mobile first sass model ( base -> tablet -> desktop )
- Use our per-scope model in the sass
- Put mobile only or other specific sass rules in custom
- Use only woff2 fonts, it's almost 2022 already
- Use only webp, svg or avif images (check if hola already supports avif)
- Either use es6 modules and webpack (so we end up with less files to load), or dinamically load javascript that is optional
- Compile minified sass to .min.css and possibly postcss that with autoprefix last 2 versions
Run docker-compose up
Use the file so your changes will be automagically pushed to your volume on every save sudo chmod +x
If you're coding with visual studio code install the extensions and copy the following to .vscode/settings.json { "liveSassCompile.settings.formats": [ { "format": "compressed", "extensionName": ".min.css", "savePath": "/" }, { "format": "expanded", "extensionName": ".css", "savePath": "/" } ],
"emeraldwalk.runonsave": { "commands": [ { "match": ".*/dummy-theme/.*", "cmd": "sh ~/Github/dummy-theme/" } ] } }
Customize all the paths to your actual paths ( and settings.json)
Search and replace dummy-theme with your-theme