A simple library for manipulating Master Boot Records. The primary purposes of this library are:
- to create bootable disk images creating mirage kernels
- for mirage kernels to read the partition tables on attached disks
Define a single partition as follows:
let disk_length_bytes = Int32.(mul (mul 16l 1024l) 1024l) in
let disk_length_sectors = Int32.(div disk_length_bytes 512l) in
let start_sector = 2048l in
let length_sectors = Int32.sub disk_length_sectors start_sector in
let partition = Mbr.Partition.make ~active:true ~ty:6 start_sector length_sectors in
let mbr = Mbr.make [ partition ] in
You can write the MBR to sector zero of a block device B
as follows:
B.connect id >>= fun device ->
let sector = Cstruct.create 512 in
Mbr.marshal sector mbr;
B.write device 0L [ sector ] >>= fun () ->
- Implement tools to manipulate MBR-formatted disk images to construct, inspect or fill partitions that can later be used in Mirage unikernels.