Download this demos from github
use following command:
$ cd <your_catkin_workspace>/src
$ git clone
$ #checkout depends whether install or not
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y
$ catkin_make
After installing dependency package you can run r200_demo.launch, and also at first you have install hector_slam
Just use following command for run r200 demo.
$ roslaunch hector_slam_demos r200_demo.launch
Just use following command for run astra demo.
$ roslaunch hector_slam_demos astra_demo.launch
Just use following command for run kinect demo.
$ roslaunch hector_slam_demos kinect_demo.launch
Before run this demo, you should install libfreenect2
and iai_kinect2
$ roslaunch hector_slam_demos kinect2_demo.launch