This script helps you to automate a Symfony application installation around a bundle.
It is useful when to want to automate an application install or deployment from a bundle repository.
It has been develop to boostrap an eZ Platform 2+ application locally and on
So the script will require
to automatically add the bundle in the applicationconfigs.yaml
to automatically add the configuration in the applicationroutes.yaml
to automatically add the routes in the application
The folder structure would be:
- YourAwesomeBundle
- .platform
- bundle
- lib
- tests
- provisioning
- bundles.yaml
- configs.yaml
- routes.yaml
.PHONY: installez
installez: ## Install eZ as the local project
@docker run -d -p 3366:3306 --name ezdbbundlecontainer -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ezplatform mariadb:10.3
@composer create-project ezsystems/ezplatform --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --no-scripts ezplatform
@curl -o tests/provisioning/wrap.php
@WRAP_APP_DIR=./ezplatform WRAP_BUNDLE_DIR=./ php tests/provisioning/wrap.php
@rm tests/provisioning/wrap.php
@echo "Please set up this way:"
@echo "\tenv(DATABASE_HOST) ->"
@echo "\tenv(DATABASE_PORT) -> 3366"
@echo "\tenv(DATABASE_PASSWORD) -> ezplatform"
@cd ezplatform && COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update --lock
@cd ezplatform && bin/console ezplatform:install clean
@cd ezplatform && bin/console cache:clear
Then the deploy will looks like
git clone YourAwesomeBundle.git
composer create-project ezsystems/ezplatform --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --no-scripts
curl -o tests/provisioning/wrap.php
WRAP_APP_DIR=./ezplatform php tests/provisioning/wrap.php
cd ezplatform
composer update --lock