This repo is the infrastructure-as-code for my Kubernetes cluster.
It contains two major parts:
Terraform is used to set up the Google Cloud side of things, mainly around setting up the GKE cluster itself and setting up firewalls as needed.
You'll need to create a GCloud storage bucket in the Google Cloud Console to store the Terraform state file.
Once this bucket is created, you can initialise the repository. In the terraform/
folder, run:
# Ensure you're logged into gcloud
gcloud auth application-default login
# Then initialise the repo & backend
terraform init -backend-config bucket=name-of-the-bucket-created-above
To run terraform, from the terraform/
# List differences between plan and reality:
terraform plan
# Apply the changes:
terraform apply
Once the GKE cluster is up and running, we need to install everything we need on it. One way to do so is raw yaml kubefiles, but I've grown used to Helm and I really like the templating support and auto-ordering of elements (so that a ConfigMap gets applied before the Deployment that relies on it, regardless of whether it's before it in the file or not).
To install things:
- Create the namespaces:
kubectl apply -f kube/namespaces.yaml
- Install DNS management:
helm upgrade --install --namespace dns dns kube/dns/
- Install cert-manager for TLS certificates:
kubectl apply -f
helm upgrade --install --namespace cert-manager cert-manager kube/ssl/
- Install the web apps:
helm upgrade --install --namespace web web kube/web/