This task can be completed using an IDE of your choice, although we recommend using Visual Studio Code, which can be downloaded for free at
Before pulling down the application, please install nodejs and node package manager here:
Next, pull down the application and open it on the IDE of your choice. Then, run the command npm install
within the IDE to install dependencies needed by the application.
Once all the dependencies are installed, running the command npm start
will cause the appliation to open in your browser
On opening the project, you will be greeted with a table that lists ten items of data relating to periodic elements that is stored in a JSON file contained in the application. Each row also contains a button that when clicked will navigate to 'element.component'.
For this task, you will need to display a specific element's full data (position, name, weight and symbol) on the element element
When clicking the 'Details' button on each row, only that element's data should be displayed, and the displayed 'position' should match the number passed in by the URL.
Only the element component should need to be modified.
Once you have completed the task please create a zip file containing the entire project and email to
The task should be completed by midnight on Tuesday 28th June 2022.