GoogleStaticMapsKit provides a full, lightweight swift API for dealing with Google Static Maps API.
Zoom : .world |
Zoom : .continent |
Zoom : .city |
Zoom : .street |
Zoom : .building |
Style : [Retro] |
Style : [Assassin's Creed IV] |
Style : [Lost in the desert] |
Style : [WY] |
// Setting up the API Key (probably in AppDelegate)
GoogleStaticMaps.setAPIKey(apiKey: "your_api_key")
let parameters = Parameters(size: ImageSize(width: 600, height: 400))
let location = Location(center: .geo(latitude: 45.7772, longitude: 3.0870), zoom: .city)
let gsm = GoogleStaticMaps(location: location, parameters: parameters)
let url = gsm.toURL
print("Result : \(url)")
GoogleStaticMapKit was designed to support JSON Style like SnazzyMaps
let path = jsonFilePath
let styles = StylesImporter.fromJson(path: path).styles
let feature = Feature(styles: styles)
let gsm = GoogleStaticMaps(location: location, parameters: parameters, feature: feature)
For more information about Google Maps Style you can look on the official Google Documentation
- Location parameters
- Center by coordinates
- Center by adress
- Zoom Level
- Map parameters
- Size
- Scale
- Format (png/gif/jpg)
- Map Type (roadmap / satellite / hybrid / terrain)
- Language
- Region
- Feature parameters
- Markers
- Path
- Visible
- Style
- Key and Signature parameters
- Key
- Signature
GoogleStaticMapsKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "GoogleStaticMapsKit"
github 'PoissonBallon/GoogleStaticMapsKit'
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1),
- PoissonBallon @poissonballon
GoogleStaticMapsKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.