skrm stands for simple keyring manager. It is a small python script allowing you to store keys associated to tags into an encrypted file, using GPG.
This is a very handy solution for unix users to store securely their passwords and retreive them quicky.
Use pip:
pip install skrm
You will need to install gpg with:
brew install gpg
In order to work properly with skrm, you will need to setup a new pinentry:
brew install pinentry-mac
echo "pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
Without a proper pinentry setup, skrm may exist with no error. to test if gpg is properly configured, you may try decrypting your bdd file with:
gpg -dq .skrm/bdd.gpg
skrm uses an optional configuration file to avoid you setting every options in the command line. Here is an exemple of userpref file that should be placed in '~/.skrm/user.prefs':
recipient=Poncin Matthieu
With auto_backup set to True, secrets will be backed-up to the set backup_location everytime you add or update secrets.
usage: ./skrm [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS] [TAGS]
skrm stands for simple keyring manager, it stores keys with tags into a file encrypted using gpg.
skrm will ask for the master password to encrypt/decrypt the storing file.
-h, --help: Print usage.
-g, --get: Return keyrings matching strictly the given tags. This option is used by default. If a keyId is selected, a get or a search return only the keyring matching the keyId.
-s, --search: Return keyrings matching the given tags (tags are interpreted as a regex expression).
-c, --clip: Copy the key of the last matched keyring from a get or a search into the clipboard using xclip. Nothing will be printed out to the shell.
-b, --quick-backup: backup bdd file to location in user.prefs.
-r, --quick-restore: restore backup from location in user.prefs. YOU WILL LOOSE LOCAL DATA IF YOUR BACKUP IS CORRUPTED!
--file=[FILENAME]: use the given file to read/store keyrings.
--recipient=[USER_ID_NAME]: set the user id name for gpg to get the key and encrypt the file.
--pass=[MASTER_PASS]: set the master pass to use when encrypting or decrypting the file.
--add=[KEY]: add a key to the file with the specified tags.
--select=[KEYID]: select a keyring using its key id. To use with a command like "remove" or "update".
--remove: remove the selected key.
--update=[KEY]: update the selected key.
--backup=[HOSTDEST]: scp the bdd file to the given host destination.
--restore=[HOSTSRC]: scp the bdd file from the given host destination. YOU WILL LOOSE LOCAL DATA IF YOUR BACKUP IS CORRUPTED!
A list of strings to define tags you want to use for any commands keyring related management.
To add a new key with the associated tags: Password WebSite Twitter MyUserName
skrm --add="myPass" Password WebSite Twitter MyUserName
To get one or multiple keys, you only need to specify the tags you want to match. The tags are not case sensitive.
skrm twitter
-> 0 : ['Password', 'WebSite', 'Twitter', 'MyUserName', 'myPass']
If you don't remember the exact string for your tags, you can use the option -s
skrm -s twit
-> 0 : ['Password', 'WebSite', 'Twitter', 'MyUserName', 'myPass']
To copy directly your key into the clipboard
skrm -c twitter
-> copy the key into the clipboard.
To select a keyring, you must use its key id
skrm --select=0
-> 0 : ['Password', 'WebSite', 'Twitter', 'MyUserName', 'myPass']
To remove a keyring
skrm --select=0 --remove
To update a key
skrm --select=0 --update="MyNewPass"
To insert new tags to a keyring
skrm --select=0 --insert=2 MyNewTag1 MyNewTag2
-> 0 : ['Password', 'WebSite', 'Twitter', 'MyNewTag1', 'MyNewTag2', 'MyUserName', 'myPass']
To backup your bdd file to a remote server using scp
skrm --backup="myBackupServer:~/.skrm/"