Development of Powerline React Native App
- React Native (follow iOS and Android guides)
- Xcode 8.2 +
- CocoaPods (only for iOS)
- Version 1.0+ recommended (
gem install cocoapods --pre
- Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd powerline-rn
- Install dependencies (npm v3+):
- Install Xopen
$ npm install
$ react-native link
$ cd ios && pod install
$ xopen
- Running on Android:
$ react-native run-android
$ adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 # required to ensure the Android app can
$ adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080 # access the Packager and GraphQL server
- Running on iOS:
$ react-native run-ios
- Build an APK:
$ npm start
$ npm run bundle:android
$ npm run build:android
Could not connect to development server
In a separate terminal window run:
$ react-native start