Welcome to the AI-Empowered code development toolkit of the PSFramework project. This project aims to provide assistance tools, using AI, to help accelerate coding.
To install this module, run the following line in your console:
Install-Module PSMD.OpenAI -Scope CurrentUser
To do anything, you first need to connect to an Azure OpenAI deployment:
Connect-PsmdOpenAI -Resource "resourcename" -Deployment "mydeployment" -ApiKey $key
The $key
can be either a string, a securestring or a PSCredential object.
Other authentication options are planned for, but not yet implemented.
Adding help to your commands
This will add help to all functions in all ps1 files in the current folder:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.ps1 | Add-PsmdOaiFunctionHelp
Functions that already have existing help are not modified (even if the help is not complete yet).