Spring boot ultimate project will teach to java developers from scratch level of integration functionality
using low level code design as well as high level functionality using framework dependency high level code.
Developers can learn the things one by one execution which is mentioned in the tutor package Maven class.
you can learn each and every perspective of basic to advance level of development with this repository.
We are performing sample Book and Author CRUD, Paginateion and Integration Development and Testing.
Here we are proving you a virtual database Ahhh. nothing but we are using h2 temporary database but we can connect in pgAdmin.
PostgreSQL database.
first install DockerDesktop.
second install pgAdmin nothing but PostgreSQL.
third step is to clean and install maven and build it in your IDE.
# Here your task is completed now Application Task will start.
go to your project integrated terminal then run the below commnad.
==> docker compose up
you can see like this
then check your docker desktop you can observe this
finally you can connect with basic properties in postgreSQL connect with new server registration.
you can explorw all the files in this project. to get the more accurate and qualitative information to become a java Backend Developer. Thank you. Prabhakar-Naik