A beginner's project in python3 which uses flask and sqlite3
Project Goal: To create a group expense manager for use in small groups to share and record expenses, such as a night out to the movies or a group dinner.
- Users can signup
- Users can signin
- Users can signout
- User can see overall balance
- Balances between friends
If you have Python2.X you will need to switch over to Python3.X, you can find the installers at https://www.python.org/downloads/
Once you have Python3 installed you will need Flask(http://flask.pocoo.org/), which is a web framework.
The easiest way to install is with: pip install flask
Now that you have Python3 and Flask you can run the main.py in the project folder to start the local webserver that can be accessed on port 5000 by default. Note: If you run it from IDLE, there is an error that comes up due to fileno because IDLE changes your IO objects. Run it by double clicking or through command line.