Developed a full-stack movie booking application that allows users to browse movies, book tickets, and manage bookings. The application features user authentication, role-based access control, and secure payment processing using Razorpay.
- User Dashboard: Users can view available movies, select showtimes, and book tickets. Integrated Razorpay for secure payment processing.
- Admin Dashboard: Admins can create and manage movies, theatres, and shows. Implemented forms for adding new movies and scheduling shows with validation to prevent overlapping showtimes.
- Real-time Data Fetching: Utilized
for efficient data fetching and state management, ensuring real-time updates and caching. - Responsive Design: Ensured a responsive and user-friendly interface using Material-UI components and custom CSS.
- API Integration: Integrated with backend APIs for CRUD operations on movies, theatres, and shows. Used Axios for HTTP requests.
- Error Handling: Implemented robust error handling and user feedback mechanisms to enhance user experience.
- User Authentication: Implemented secure user authentication using JWT tokens. Users can sign up, log in, and manage their profiles.
- Role-Based Access Control: Integrated role-based access control to restrict access to certain routes and functionalities based on user roles (e.g., admin, user).
- Movie Management: Admins can add, update, and delete movies. Users can browse and view movie details.
- Theatre and Show Management: Admins can manage theatres, theatre halls, and show timings.
- Booking System: Users can book tickets for available shows. Implemented seat selection and booking validation to prevent double booking.
- Payment Integration: Integrated Razorpay for secure payment processing. Implemented payment verification and error handling.
- Error Handling: Centralized error handling using custom error classes to provide meaningful error messages to users.
- Database Integration: Used MongoDB for data storage. Implemented Mongoose schemas and models for data validation and interaction.
- API Development: Developed RESTful APIs using Express.js to handle various operations like user authentication, movie management, and booking.
- Middleware: Implemented custom middleware for authentication, authorization, and request validation.
- Framework: React
- Build Tool: Vite
- UI Library: Material-UI
- HTTP Client: Axios
- State Management:
- Payment Gateway: Razorpay
- Date Handling: Moment.js
- Version Control: Git
- Runtime: Node.js
- Framework: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
- Authentication: JWT, bcrypt
- Payment Gateway: Razorpay
- Validation: Zod
- Dev Tools: Nodemon, dotenv
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Components: Reusable UI components.
- Hooks: Custom hooks for data fetching and state management.
- Pages: Different pages of the application.
- Services: API service functions.
- Styles: CSS and Material-UI styles.
- Controllers: Handle incoming requests and interact with services.
- Services: Contain business logic and interact with models.
- Models: Define Mongoose schemas and interact with MongoDB.
- Middlewares: Handle authentication, authorization, and validation.
- Routes: Define API endpoints and route requests to appropriate controllers.
- Utils: Utility functions for hashing and other common tasks.
- Designed and implemented the entire backend architecture.
- Developed the user and admin interfaces using React and Material-UI.
- Integrated Razorpay for secure payment processing.
- Developed robust error handling and validation mechanisms.
- Ensured secure user authentication and role-based access control.
- Ensured application responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.
- Define API contracts and integrate frontend with backend services.
- Frontend Repository:
- Backend Repository: