grepo is an implementation of the Unix command grep in Go. grep is a tool used for searching files or input streams for lines that match a specified pattern.
- search in provided file
- search in directory
- performs case sensitive,case insensitive, exact matches
- stores output in given file path
- output match count, lines after and before match
- clone this repository [git clone]
- run go build in root of the project
- execute binary with appropriate flags [./grepo.exe -f filename.txt -s search_word]
grepo supports various flags. multiple flags can be combined to generate desired output
flag | desrcription | datatype |
-f | accepts file/dir path where search is to be done | string |
-s | accepts search query | string |
-i | performs case insensitive search | bool |
-e | performs exact matching search | bool |
-o | accepts output file path to store output | string |
-c | show only count of matches | bool |
-a | display lines after match | bool |
-b | display lines before match | bool |
$ ./grepo.exe -f test/test_data.txt -s test
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 1:0 "test line for one occurrencein single line"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:0 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:44 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:49 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
$ ./grepo.exe -f test/test_data.txt -s test -i
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 1:0 "test line for one occurrencein single line"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:0 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:44 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:49 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 4:0 "Test for case-insensitive "
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 5:0 "Testing for excat match"
$ ./grepo.exe -f test/test_data.txt -s Testing -e
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 5:0 "Testing for excat match"
$ ./grepo.exe -f test/test_data.txt -s testing -e -i
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 5:0 "Testing for excat match"
$ ./grepo.exe -s lorem test testing tested lorem ipsum
Match found: lorem
$ ./grepo.exe -s test -i -e lorem testing Testing test Test
Match found: test
Match found: Test
$ ./grepo.exe -f test/test_data.txt -s test -o output.txt
output stored into output.txt
$ cat output.txt
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 1:0 "test line for one occurrencein single line"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:0 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:44 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test/test_data.txt line 2:49 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
./grepo.exe -s test -f test
Match in file: test\before_after.txt line 4:0 "test line here"
Match in file: test\directory_one\test_data_dir_1.txt line 1:0 "test data in directory one"
Match in file: test\test_json.json line 2:5 " "test":"can serach in files other than txt""
Match in file: test\test_data.txt line 1:0 "test line for one occurrencein single line"
Match in file: test\test_data.txt line 2:0 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test\test_data.txt line 2:44 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test\test_data.txt line 2:49 "test for multiple occurences in single line test test"
Match in file: test\directory_two\test_data_dir_2.txt line 1:0 "test data in directory one
$ ./grepo.exe -f test -s test -c
Number of matches : 8
$ ./grepo.exe -s test -f test/before_after.txt -b
line number 1 above match
line number 2 above match
line number 3 above match
$ ./grepo.exe -s test -f test/before_after.txt -a
line number 1 after match
line number 2 after match
line number 3 after match
$ ./grepo.exe -s test -f test/before_after.txt -a -b
line number 1 before match
line number 2 before match
line number 3 before match
line number 1 after match
line number 2 after match
line number 3 after match