This repository contains my portfolio projects related to data analysis. Data analysis is the process of collecting, organizing, exploring, and interpreting data to answer questions or solve problems. Data analysis can be applied to various domains, such as business, science, education, health, sports, and more.
In this repository, you will find the following projects:
- COVID-19 Dashboard: A web application that visualizes the latest data on the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the number of cases, deaths, recoveries, vaccinations, and testing, for different countries and regions. The data is obtained from the [Our World in Data] dataset and updated daily. The dashboard is built using [Dash], a Python framework for creating interactive web applications.
- Spotify Music Analysis: A notebook that explores the features and trends of the music I listen to on Spotify. The notebook uses the [Spotipy] library to access the Spotify Web API and retrieve my personal listening history and track metadata. The notebook also uses [Pandas], [NumPy], [Matplotlib], and [Seaborn] to perform data manipulation and visualization.
- Titanic Survival Prediction: A machine learning project that predicts the survival of passengers on the Titanic based on their personal and travel information. The project uses the [Titanic] dataset from Kaggle and follows the steps of the data science pipeline, such as data cleaning, feature engineering, model selection, and evaluation. The project uses [Scikit-learn], a Python library for machine learning, and [Jupyter Notebook], an interactive development environment.
- More projects coming soon...
I hope you enjoy browsing through my data analysis portfolio. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me or open an issue on this repository. Thank you! 😊