Steps to deploy:
- Deploy the Terraform code under terraform folder which will create EKS Cluster with VPC and ECR.
- Build the docker image and push it into ECR.
- Authenticate to AWS ECR using the command
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- Build the image using the command
docker build -t webapp .
- Tag the image
docker tag webapp:latest
- Push the image to ECR
docker push
- Authenticate to AWS ECR using the command
- Create Kube config file using AWS CLI. Run the below command
aws eks --region <region-code> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name> --role-arn <role_arn>
- Update the image name in deployment.yaml file with the ECR url.
- Setup secrets by running the command. Secret values are base 64 encoded and stored in it.
kubectl apply -f mysecret.yaml
- Deploy pods by running the command.
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- Check the Pod status by running
kubectl get pods
- Access the website using the ELB URL by running the command. This will display the external IP of the ELB and it can be accessed as :5005
kubectl get svc
- If the site has to be accessed from local. It can be achieved through port forwarding with below command. Once it is run, the site can be accessed as localhost:5001
kubectl port-forward svc/<servicename> 5005:5001