This repo has been archived, it contains out of date toolset.
Further development/releases will be available in RevilToolset subproject for RevilLib.
Revil Toolset is a collection of modding tools for RE Engine/MT Framework titles.
Extracts and converts contents of SPAC archives.
This app uses multithreading, so you can process multiple files at the same time. Best way is to drag'n'drop files onto app.
For this reason a .config file is placed alongside executable file, since app itself only takes file paths as arguments.
A .config file is in XML format.
Please do not create any spaces/tabs/uppercase letters/commas as decimal points within setting field.
Program must run at least once to generate .config file.
- Generate_Log:
Will generate text log of console output next to application location. - Convert_to_WAV:
Convert non WAV formats into a 16bit PCM WAV. - Force_WAV_Conversion:
Force conversion of all sounds to a 16bit PCM WAV.
- FWSE, Modified IMA ADPCM, PC
- MSF, Various formats (16bit PCM, AT3, ...), PS3
- RIFF WAVE, Various formats (MS IMA ADPCM mostly), PC
This toolset is available under GPL v3 license. (See
This toolset uses following libraries:
- RevilLib, Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Lukas Cone
- vgmstream, Various Authors (See COPYING)