title | author | date | output | editor_options | ||||||||
CBM_dataPrep_RIA |
September 2020 |
This module runs independently with the global script below.
Its main task is to read-in user-provided information or provide defaults.
It reads-in rasters (ageRaster
, ecoRaster
, gcIndexRaster
, spuRaster
, and masterRaster
) from either defaults of provided by the user.
From the rasters is creates pixelGroup
which are unique combinations of the rasters values.
is a main processing unit in SpaDS CBM
simulations. In a first step, a spatialDT
which is a data.table
listing all pixels with their respective values of raster
, pixelIndex
and pixelGroup
is created (sim$spatialDT
From the spatialDT
, a reduced data.table
is create (sim$level3DT
) which is the data.table from which processing will start in CBM_core
The number of records in this data.table (sim$level3DT
) should equal the number of pixel groups that will be processed in the spinup event of the CBM_core
This present module also creates variables of the same length as the rows in level3DT
for use in other events of the CBM_core
These are: returnIntervals
, maxRotations
, minRotations
, lastPassDMIDs
, historicDMIDs
, and delays all stored in the simList.
Another important object created in this module is mySpuDmids
This data.table
links the user-defined disturbances ($userDist
) with a spatial unit and a disturbance matrix.
This will be used to apply disturbances to pixel groups in the annual event of the CBM_core
The mySpuDmids
object is created starting from a user provided list of disturbances (userDist
) that matches the rasterId
of the disturbance raster to the disturbance name.
That name and the location of the disturbance (spatial unit id) is used to associate a disturbance matrix identification number to the disturbed pixelGroup
Disturbance Matrices (DM) determine what proportion of a carbon pool gets transferred to another because of disturbance.
There are 426 matrix IDs in the present default data (outDefaults$processes$disturbanceMatrices
DMIDs (Disturbance Matrix IDs) are part of the default data that come with CBM-CFS3.
DMs are specific to spatial units which are a numbering (48 of them outDefaults$cbmData@spatialUnitIds
) of the overlay of the administrative boundaries and ecozones in Canada.
Spatial units are central units in CBM-CFS3, as are ecozones because both determining various ecological and other parameters that will be used in simulations via the CBM_core
The proportion of carbon transferred by a specific DMID can be found here outDefaults$cbmData@disturbanceMatrixValues
A series of R-functions were built to help users associate the correct disturbance matrices (spuDist()
, mySpu()
, seeDist()
, simDist()
) and are searchable in this package.
- CBM_defaults objects are recreated in the
of this module - nothing is in carbon or carbon increments at this point. This module feeds into the CBM_core module as does the CBM_vol2biomass.R module.
moduleDir <- getwd()
inputDir <- file.path(moduleDir, "inputs") %>% reproducible::checkPath(create = TRUE)
outputDir <- file.path(moduleDir, "outputs")
cacheDir <- file.path(outputDir, "cache")
times <- list(start = 0, end = 10)
parameters <- list(
#CBM_dataPrep = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")
#.progress = list(type = "text", interval = 1), # for a progress bar
## If there are further modules, each can have its own set of parameters:
#module1 = list(param1 = value1, param2 = value2),
#module2 = list(param1 = value1, param2 = value2)
modules <- list("CBM_dataPrep")
objects <- list(
userDistFile = file.path(moduleDir,"CBM_dataPrep","data","userDist.csv")
paths <- list(
cachePath = cacheDir,
modulePath = moduleDir,
inputPath = inputDir,
outputPath = outputDir
myInputs <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
objects = objects, paths = paths)
outInputs <- spades(myInputs)
Describe what happens for each event type.
Write what is plotted.
Write what is saved.
## Loading required package: dplyr
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
paramName | paramClass | default | min | max | paramDesc |
.plotInitialTime | numeric | NA | NA | NA | This describes the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur |
.plotInterval | numeric | NA | NA | NA | This describes the simulation time interval between plot events |
.saveInitialTime | numeric | NA | NA | NA | This describes the simulation time at which the first save event should occur |
.saveInterval | numeric | NA | NA | NA | This describes the simulation time interval between save events |
.useCache | logical | FALSE | NA | NA | Should this entire module be run with caching activated? This is generally intended for data-type modules, where stochasticity and time are not relevant |
objectName | objectClass | desc | sourceURL |
cbmData | dataset | S4 object created from selective reading in of cbm_default.db in CBM_efaults module | NA |
pooldef | character | Vector of names (characters) for each of the carbon pools, with Input being the first one |
NA |
PoolCount | numeric | count of the length of the Vector of names (characters) for each of the carbon pools, with Input being the first one |
NA |
dbPath | character | NA | NA |
sqlDir | character | NA | NA |
userDistFile | character | User provided file name that identifies disturbances for simulation (key words for searching CBM files, if not there the userDist will be created with defaults | NA |
userDist | data.table | User provided file that identifies disturbances for simulation, if not there it will use userDistFile | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMg0zf8pqBPii0REvBvnj8Yh9CQ3HhRD |
ageRasterURL | character | URL for ageRaster - optional, need this or a ageRaster | NA |
ageRaster | raster | Raster ages for each pixel | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hylk0D1vO19Dpg4zFtnSNhnyYP4j-bEA |
gcIndexRasterURL | character | URL for ageRaster - optional, need this or a ageRaster | NA |
gcIndexRaster | raster | Raster ages for each pixel | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yunkaYCV2LIdqej45C4F9ir5j1An0KKr/view?usp=sharing |
spuRaster | raster | Raster has spatial units for each pixel | NA |
ecoRaster | raster | Raster has ecozones for each pixel | NA |
userGcM3File | character | User file name for the files containing: GrowthCurveComponentID,Age,MerchVolume. Default name userGcM3 | NA |
userGcM3 | dataframe | User file containing: GrowthCurveComponentID,Age,MerchVolume. Default name userGcM3 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u7o2BzPZ2Bo7hNcC8nEctNpDmp7ce84m |
disturbanceRasters | vector | Character vector of the disturbance rasters for use in simulations - defaults are the Wulder and White rasters for SK. | https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YnuQYytjcBej0_kdodLchPg7z9LygCt |
masterRasterURL | character | URL for masterRaster - optional, need this or a masterRaster | NA |
masterRaster | raster | Raster has NAs where there are no species and the pixel groupID where the pixels were simulated. It is used to map results | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zUyFH8k6Ef4c_GiWMInKbwAl6m6gvLJW |
objectName | objectClass | desc |
pools | matrix | NA |
ages | numeric | Ages of the stands from the inventory in 1990 |
nStands | numeric | not really the number of stands, but the number of pixel groups |
gcids | numeric | The identification of which growth curves to use on the specific stands provided by... |
historicDMIDs | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating historical disturbance type, linked to the S4 table called cbmData. Only Spinup. |
lastPassDMIDS | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating final disturbance type, linked to the S4 table called cbmData. Only Spinup. |
delays | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating regeneration delay post disturbance. Only Spinup. |
minRotations | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating minimum number of rotations. Only Spinup. |
maxRotations | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating maximum number of rotations. Only Spinup. |
returnIntervals | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating the fixed fire return interval. Only Spinup. |
spatialUnits | numeric | The id given to the intersection of province and ecozones across Canada, linked to the S4 table called cbmData |
ecozones | numeric | Vector, one for each stand, indicating the numeric represenation of the Canadian ecozones, as used in CBM-CFS3 |
level3DT | data.table | the table linking the spu id, with the disturbance_matrix_id and the events. The events are the possible raster values from the disturbance rasters of Wulder and White. |
spatialDT | data.table | the table containing one line per pixel |
mySpuDmids | data.frame | the table containing one line per pixel |