Improved sku (stock keeping unit), schema and parser for Team Fortress 2 items.
Somewhat backwards compatible with older sku versions.
Sku includes paint, spells, parts, sheen and killstreaker.
Expect breaking changes till v1.
Also feel free to create pull requests for optimizations.
- Parse items from TF2 attributes.
- Parse items from Steam API.
- Compare skus for equality/equivalence. (strict/lax equals)
- Compare skus while ignoring certain attributes. (ie. paint, killstreaks)
Where SPELL and PART are arrays ie ;sp1006,8900;pt38,40
;norm is reserved for future use
5021;63;u44;australium;uncraftable;w3;pk2023;strange;kt-97;td-71;festive;n3169;c6931;od-24;oq-467;p3188496;sp45,24;pt20,17;sh3161;ks74135 (this item doesn't exist irl)
0;6 (which only has defindex and quality)