- When swapping pages, swipe in direction + fade
- Workspaces
- Main Menu
- settings access (widget layout, Taskbar, theme)
- view changelog
- version
- Visit Repo
- All pages (except settings)
- GitHub access (Profile + recent repos vie API)
- Custom iframe popups (e.g. lucide icons)
- Main Menu
- Calendar
- toasts
- Widgets from all pages
- Notes as list, open specific note with click on list item
- Bookmark previews based on link (e.g. GitHub repo preview)
- Additional widgets
- Picture
- GitHub repo
- iframe
- custom html
- search / redirection input
- with commands, lookup etc
- Title
- Simple text
- due date (highlighted in calendar)
- browser notifications?
- Todo groups / collection (Tree)
- Title, creation date, content
- With markdown support
- Sub Pages:
- Overview (All notes in a grid, click one note to open)
- Detailed view
- Actions on the left (back to overview, Delete note, edit note)
- All Notes list on the left (click to open, griplines with dnd reordering)
- Import from browser
- Export for browser
- Color picker
- auto fill colors
- Theme preview
- Overview
- All settings with big buttons / cards with icon and description
- All other setting pages have a side navigation for settings
- Taskbar
- Custom iframe popups
- Widget layout
- Reorder widgets
- Hide / Show pages
- Add additional widgets
- Different widget sizes
- Theming
- only few colors, auto generate additionals
- Dark / light toggle for transparencies
- Animations on / off?
- Export / Import data and data
- Workspaces