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Creating Modules

Faizaan edited this page Dec 29, 2016 · 1 revision

This section of the wiki is for developers who intend to write modules with the Prison platform. If you are not a developer, you will be utterly confused and probably don't belong here.

Module System

Prison-Core itself is not a prison plugin. It is a platform that provides a means for functionality to be added in a straightforward, version-friendly, and multi-platform manner. Modules utilize these aspects to add functionality to the game. The MC-Prison team provides and maintains a few modules that are essential for Prison servers - mines, ranks, cells, and shops. However, Prison allows the community to make modules too, both for their private and public use.

This guide will show you how to use Prison-Core and the modules system to their full potential, in order to make your own custom modules.



Modules should follow the semantic versioning format for versioning.


Modules are usually named with the "Prison-" prefix. This hints to users that the module is part of the Prison ecosystem.