npm install -g expo-cli
npm install
expo start
Web -
Mobile -
( Android : Scan the qr code using the expo app ! Thats it :)
iOS : Little pain has to be taken , because Steve had a quarrel with Expo ! Code has to be cloned locally into the system and then following the above steps , it would be working on your iPhone in no time ! )
Submission for MLH Backyard Hacks -
- Encourage to get involved with nature completing a virtual album of animals together with your friends.
Allows to see your friends registered animals, comment, and chat with them. Join your friends to explore the outside and the unknown.
You would have an album for storing the animals you have taken photos of in your life.
Catchimal is using GCP services to automatically recognize your animal information. Furthermore, you will see where, when, and how the photography was taken.
See information and curious facts about the animals around you, chatting with AI chatbot. You would learn how to protect our nature and be sustainable.
It would be like a game, like a real Pokedex. Obtain points and rewards for taking pictures of exotic animals.
Share albums between friends, showing the things around you.
See progress, status, points, challenges, rewards, and more!
Win points in a different way when there aren't more animals near. Play, feed or combat with your animals.
- We made a mobile react native app and a react landing webpage.
- Use of Google Cloud Storage for uploading the animals photographs.
- Google Vision, Cloud functions and GCP services for recognize animal data.
- User can login, take a photo, and see some basic information about the animal identified by Google Vision.
- UiPath used for making test users.
- Lack of time.
- Defining task between team members.
The first page on React of one of our members.
We think that Catchimal is a really cool idea, but do not know how to make it reality and used by real users.
Some members worked with technologies that they have never worked like React, React Native, Google Cloud Platform or GitHub organizations.
Learned team work and communication.
Allow to avatarize animals on users album.
Add interactions and games with the AR animals.
Chats between users.
Add challenges and multiple albums, ordered by difficulty, to be completed.
Complete and enhance the functionalities.
Make a working chatbot that provides the required information by the user for each animal.
For future plans, it is going to be a complete social media, a game like Pokemon Go, and a platform with a chatbot AI for deep information about the animals.