Get email notifications for when new movies at State Cinema have tickets available
- Create a Google Project in the Google Projects Console
- Enable the Gmail API
- Create the OAuth access token for a Desktop app, and place that into the directory of this program
- Finally follow the steps in Python setup
- Uncomment the commented code, and comment out the gmail code
- Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD in with the username and password of the email for notifcations to be sent from
- Find your SMTP address for your email (gmail is and put that into SMTP_ADDRESS in
- Finally put the email which you want to send the notifcation to in the RECIPIENT variable
This program only requires Python and Selenium, to install Selenium if Python is a PATH variable open command prompt and type
pip install selenium
If Python is not a PATH variable, then navigate to where Python is stored and open the Script folder, pip will be in there so open command promt and type
cd {path to Scripts folder}
pip install selenium
For Gmail the setup you will also need to install these packages
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib