Engineering Tech Tree
As of May 15th 2016, when you contribute a part pack, use the latest Yonge's Tech Tree config file.
I would suggest using Yonge's Tech Tree Editor. Here is how its done:
Getting Started:
Load Yonge's Tech Tree Editor.
Find your KSP directory and add that.
You need to download and use the latest EngTechTree.cfg from the github directory. (
Put it in your GameData/ETT folder.
Load the "Yonge Tech Tree" from the ETT folder.
Using the editor:
Every mod you load that has not been put in the tree will show up in the left column.
All of its parts will be in their categories. (NOTE: if the mod has already been added, the parts should be in a node already)
On the right will be the current node description and parts in that node.
Find the part you want to add and click "Add to technode".
Repeat step 4 until you have added all the mod's parts to the correct node.
If you find a node with the wrong title or no descriptionin the "TechNodeViewModel" Panel please update them.
If you make a mistake or want to move a part, click on the "remove" button on the right.
Tips and Tricks:
Create a clone of your KSP install.
Install only the mod you will be working with.
Delete the parts folder out of the gamedata/squad folder and load the game if things get messy.
I usually have 2 screens going. One with the editor and one with KSP running with the single new mod.
a) Go to the tech tree.
b) Hit alt-f12 and go to the R&D tab.
c) Click "unlock all nodes".
d) All the mod's parts will show up as numbers in the nodes they are in if you did tip 4.
e) This way you only have to check the nodes with the mod's parts.
Final Step:
Create a pull request on github by clicking "create pull request".
Upload your changed ETT.cfg
I will check it for errors and merge it into the master file or send it back to you for revisions.
If you don't want to use github (its not as scary as it looks) send me the EngTechTree.cfg and I will merge it for you.
ALWAYS dowload the latest copy of the ETT.cfg from github. (This will reduce merge errors)
See rule 1.
Don't add new nodes. Ask me and I will add them.
Don't change anything in the "TechNodeViewModel" Panel except the Title and the Description.
If you want to make additional changes to the node such as Cost, ask me and I will do it.
Leave all parts that show up in the "none" category alone. That usually means there is an error somewhere.
Don't change the placement of Squad parts.
I really appreciate all the help!!!
Thanks, Probus