The Delivery System, as it was called by Prodigy, initially consisted of:
- The Dialup Access Concentrators and Regional Object Caches, operating initially on IBM Series/1 Minicomputers.
- The Central switch, operating on an IBM Mainframe running TPF (routing functions and fast transactions)
- The High Function Host, another IBM Mainframe running CICS (more complex transactions)
The Prodigy Reloaded Delivery System combines the function of these components into a single application (found in apps/server) and utilizes the Postgres database (supported by an associated component found in apps/core).
Utilities to manipulate databse objects (podbutil
, the Prodigy Object Database Utility, found in apps/podbutil) and
household / user accounts (pomsutil
, the Prodigy Operational Management System Utility, found in apps/pomsutil) are
An additional portal application that will furnish a web-based interface to acquire an account and to otherwise perform
the functions provided in podbutil
and pomsutil
will be forthcoming (to be placed in apps/portal).
The Reception System was the client of the services provided by the Delivery System, and the content that comprised the service was created by the Producer System.
docker compose up
docker compose run server /prod/rel/server/bin/server eval "Prodigy.Core.Release.migrate()"
git clone /tmp/objects
docker compose run -v /tmp/objects:/objects:ro server podbutil import "/objects/*"
- Imported 498 objects
docker compose run server pomsutil create
- Created Household XLNV42
- Created User XLNV42A with password WVYLC6
Get the latest release for your operating system here
As of this writing, the client version software that shipped with the IBM PS/1 (RS 6.03.17)
The software is archived here and the disk image is here.
Instructions below are prototypical for Linux, but may vary for your preferred operating system.
% mount /path/to/client.img /mnt/floppy
% mkdir -p /tmp/prodigy/C/PRODIGY
% cp /mnt/floppy /tmp/prodigy/C/PRODIGY
% umount /mnt/floppy
% cat << EOF > /tmp/prodigy/dosbox.conf
!!! config here - see below
% cat << EOF > /tmp/prodigy/phones.conf
5551212 localhost:25234
Dosbox configuration is beyond the scope of this document, but the default should work with a few tweaks:
serial1 = modem baudrate:2400
phonebookfile = phones.txt
mount C: /tmp/prodigy/C
% dosbox -conf /tmp/prodigy/dosbox.conf
If prompted for a phone number, use the same as created in the preparation step above (5551212
Once prompted for a username and password, use the one returned by pomsutil
Neither DIA nor TCS protocols as implemented by the Reception System version targeted here provide a keepalive mechanism.
If the server is run behind anything with aggressive TCP timeouts, such as a load balancer or NAT device, one may
experience CM 4
errors in the Reception System.