I'm a faculty member in the Computer Information Technology department at Lane Community College. I've been teaching here since 2009 and love my job! I'm currently the lead faculty for the AAS in Software Development.
🔭 Course Development
- Last year, I developed a new course: CS 123, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
- This year I'm developing another course: CS 210: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Programming. In this course, students will learn to leverage AI in software apps they write. The types of AI they will learn to use include rule based, statistical and Neural Networks (including LLMs).
🌱 I’m currently learning how to write apps that use AI libraries and LLMs.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on software to assist with grading, including my Grading Assistant project.
💬 Ask me about: Agile Scrum, Software Design, Artificial Intelligence and teaching Software Development. I also love talking about the Bible, theology and linqistics. I might not have all the answers, but I love discussing these things!
📫 How to reach me: profbird@gmail.com
⚡ Fun facts:
- I read, write and speak Farsi and Tajik.
- My wife and I lived in Tajikistan for two years.
- I taught Software Engineering in Chennai, India three summers.
- I was in Moscow the weeks before and after Yeltsin sent tanks to shell the Russian parliment building in October, 1993.
You can learn more about me on LinkeIn