Professor Robert J. Brunner
Laboratory for Cosmological Data Mining
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brett Hayes
Work done during The Passionate On Parallel REU
at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
By Joy Hill and Alex Warren
under the advisement of Matias Carrasco Kind
Code was developed with Ubuntu 12.04 and greater but should be compatible with other Unix enviroments
- CFITSIO 3.370
- HEALPix 3.11
- MKL or another library for the BLAS/LAPACK routines.
Python scripts are used for creating test data and comparing the results. The following python packages are used:
pyfits and healpy are available through pip.
After installing the dependencies:
$ cp PATHS.template PATHS
This file is included in the Makefiles for the two implementations, edit it to find your libraries.
Make sure you you have execute permissions for the the scripts in test/
$ make test_debug
It may