SmartBrain Project 🧠
Live Site:
A React app that detects and highlights faces in web images. Built with React.js, Node.js, Express, Bcrypt, PostgreSQL, Redis, JWT (session management), Bootstrap, Tachyon CSS, and Clarifai Face Detection API, deployed on
Use the following test login information if you'd like to test the app without creating a new profile:
Password: 123
**Please note: Site may take a few seconds to initially sign in due to Bcrypt password verification
Or, you can register a new account. Note: please use test login info from above, to avoid overloading the database memory. Thanks!
Once logged in, copy and paste an image url from the web into the search input field, then click the 'Detect' button to run the Face Detection API
Each time you upload an image, your entry count is increased by +1
You can also view and update your profile information