Project Fluid is an attempt to make the Android experience much better and different from the regular AOSP standard. We are very thankful to everyone else who helped Fluid. This a new User Experience and we hope you enjoy using Fluid!
To begin with you first have to initialize the repo:
repo init -u -b fluid-12.1
Then sync it up:
repo sync --force-sync --no-tags --no-clone-bundle -j$(nproc --all)
- You must have at least 250GB free space on your disk and decent specifications
- Basic git knowledge
. build/
lunch fluid_device-userdebug
mka bacon
To contribute to fluid you can use our gerrit ( Let's imagine you haven't used gerrit, this will teach you how to use it.
Clone any repo from our github, for example, settings app:
git clone settings
Sign into gerrit using the sign in button on the top right
Then generate a ssh key (if you already generated one, skip this step):
ssh-keygen -o
And add your public ssh key (by default located in ~/.ssh/ to your gerrit profile (
After that, do your changes and commit them:
git commit
And finally, push the changes (this is an example for settings with the default fluid-12.1 branch, you can replace the repo part with any other repo you would push):
git push "ssh://" HEAD:refs/for/fluid-12.1
NOTE: If you do get an error telling you to run a command and then amend the commit, do it, then retry to push.