A UI to demonstrate and help with testing extrinsics that send signed payloads to a Frequency parachain.
- Connect to local or Testnet Frequency Node.
- When connected to Testnet Frequency Node, automatically populates any needed signers with keys pulled from Polkadot extension
- When connected to Frequency on localhost, populates the needed signers with Alice through Ferdie test accounts.
- Generate and display required payload signatures, given inputs
- Submit the extrinsic with the generated signature and provided inputs to the chosen chain
- Extrinsics:
- handles.claim_handle
- msa.create_sponsored_account_with_delegation
- msa.grant_delegation
- msa.add_public_key_to_msa
- stateful_storage.apply_item_actions_with_signature
- stateful_storage.upsert_page_with_signature
- stateful_storage.delete_page_with_signature
Start a webserver, such as Simple Web Server.
Load at http://localhost:8080